3 Influencer categories to consider and make sure you pick the right one

When selecting an influencer to work for our brand, we used to look up to the big names, celebrities, etc. But nowadays the spectrum has grown considerably and we have a lot to choose from. That’s why we need to check whose influencers’ followers match our target. If we are going to invest, let’s make sure that we are reaching the right audience.
We’ve created our own categorization in order to clarify some concepts and help you get an idea of different options available to generate awareness, engagement and more sells thanks to influencers marketing.

  1. Popularity

If we divide them according to how big they are, first we find the celebrities. These kinds of influencers are crazy expensive and just a post on Instagram can cost over 6K. But the results are guaranteed if you are looking to make an impact worldwide. They are usually actors, singers, TV stars or sportsman. The only problem is you need to be aware that is difficult to reach a specific target and you will get loads of unuseful leads as this will appeal almost everyone.

Then you have the macro-influencers, not as famous, but kind of well known in their own sector and country. They are also expensive (not as much as celebrities, but it will hurt your pocket). The advantage of choosing them is that they will generate a lot of awareness in your field and are great brand advocates, especially in fashion, with a big bunch of faithful followers and admirers.

These are the most effective ones nowadays. They go straight to your niche and are not as expensive as the rest. If your product is really specific it will be your best chance to reach your target. They build trust with their community and therefore are more reliable regarding recommendations.


  1. Species

We can also divide them for age and species. The youngest ones are commonly known by the name kidfluencers. These are the kids who create content for other kids younger than 13 years old. You can choose them if your product is for that target. Popular actions with them are unboxing, product demos and reviews. Listening to these influencers allows us to really get to know our target. No one knows better what they want than kids themselves. The only downside for the brand is that you need to be more transparent than ever with kids. It will need to be crystal clear that whatever you promote with them is advertisement.

The ones that get more results from this categorization are the petfluencers. It’s true that not all products can be advertised by a pet, but with a fun touch, you can fit most of them. They can charge between 2 and 4K for a post on Instagram (if they have more than 2K followers). Their cuteness is irresistible so people tend to follow them instantly as if they’ve been hypnotized. Dogs and cats are the most common petfluencers but we can also find porcupines and pigs. From this trend it even has been born a new profession, the Social petworking coach. Social petworking coaches are people who train pets to appear in social media, pose, etc.

Here are the proud mums, best option for babies’ products and their mums. They normally are the chosen influencers for fashion brands, home décor, gyms, diet products, travel and all babies-related products. The happy family feeling always works, but try not to make their lifes look too perfet, as thay can seem unrealistinc and let down potential customers. The more kids these mums have and showcase in their Instagram accounts, the wider will be the range of products they can display as they are age-related and depend on the growth process of their babies.


  1. Sector

Here we have a categorization regarding the topic of the influencers account. One of the most popular influencers’ categories is the foodies. Food is appealing to everyone and the pictures look really good on Instagram arousing our desire and hunger. They are normally the choice of restaurants, food and cooking products, but also hotels, travel and house décor. Now there is a trend of niche foodies, for example vegan ones of non-gluten eaters that go straight to this target and are really effective.

Cheesecake. He perdido la cabeza con este postre. Ya sabéis que las tartas de queso son mi debilidad y cada cierto tiempo tienen su lugar en mi mesa. He versionado este dulce tropecientas veces, he hecho pruebas que no podían comerse, otras que te hacían llorar de lo ricas que estaban. Algunas solo se dejaban comer aunque eran preciosas, y otras, feúchas pero eran puro placer en cada bocado. La de hoy, sin exagerar, es una de las mejores que han salido del horno. De esas que repetiría en cada celebración y comería mil veces sin cansarme. Y como me gusta compartir, os he dejado el video en Youtube> https://bit.ly/2yhNiH9 (link directo desdd mi perfil). • • • • • White chocolate cheesecake and a lazy Sunday. Check @beautifulcuisines to discover new recipes! • • • • • #deliciousmartha #cheesecake #tartadequeso #recetassencillas #beautifulcuisines #chocolate #chocolatelover #food52 #foodpics #foodstyling #foodphotography #hereismyfood #hautecuisines

Una publicación compartida de Delicious Martha (@deliciousmartha) el

Aka travelers. These are the most fortunate influencers as they are travelling for free all the time and making reviews of resorts, activities, adventures, amenities, clubs, etc., all around the world. You can work with them to display almost any kind of product, especially the ones you can feet in a suitcase. Also trips to some exotic destination, or even promoting cities to put them in the spotlight. Travel agencies and hotels are their best customers.

The queens of Influencers. They dress for free and always in style thanks to the gifts that brands send them hopping they make them the outfit of the day. By tagging the brand on their Instagram pictures, they send a lot of traffic in the brands’ profile and spread trends all over the net. Normally they are models and pretty girls in their twenties always smiling, wearing colorful outfits, on holiday, with their boyfriends… you might think they can look a little dumb but when you are earning thousands just by posting some holiday pictures on Instagram, there is always some mastermind behind.

We hope this article helps you find the right influencer for your brand. Good luck!

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